
What is Acquired Brain Injury?

Acquired brain injury (ABI) that is unrelated to a traumatic event occurs when the brain is injured due to stroke (see [underlined tab name]) or other neurological conditions such as Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, ALS, Primary Progressive Aphasia, Myasthenia Gravis, Guillian-Barré Syndrome, Dementia or brain tumours. While some of these conditions may resolve, others may reoccur or become worse over time.

What are the effects?

Since your brain controls everything you say, think and do, a brain injury can have many different effects. Because every brain is slightly different, the effects of your acquired brain injury will likely be somewhat different from that of someone else. You may have physical difficulties such as fatigue, headaches, double vision or dizziness. You may have cognitive-communication difficulties such as challenges with attention and concentration, understanding and remembering instructions or following a conversation. You may also have difficulty explaining your thoughts and ideas, finding your words, reading or writing and organizing, problem-solving and making decisions. Slurred speech, a weak voice and swallowing problems may also occur.

How we can help

Speech-language pathologists are trained with a strong knowledge of how cognitive (thinking) and language skills work together.

At Beyond Words Speech-Language Pathology, we believe effective cognitive-communication therapy has two broad aims: to support your current abilities in everyday activities and to improve those abilities wherever possible. Our therapy plan will promote your areas of strength while supporting your areas of need. Educating and training your family to support your communication is key, as communication is a shared activity. We can examine where assistive technology can support and improve your cognitive-communication skills.

As many of these neurological conditions are progressive, it is important to work with a clinician who can support you at all stages. Our speech-language pathologists are experienced at all levels of intervention, from collaborating with other professionals to aid in proper diagnosis to working with you to devise cognitive-communication supports that may be necessary in the future.

To discuss your specific needs: 905-723-3061

Beyond Words Telepractice is OPEN! We have always worked with clients in their homes. Therefore, we are pleased to offer virtual speech-language services for new and existing clients so that you can still access the therapy you need. Please contact us to discuss how our telepractice can work for you. Contact us