Walk, Talk, Roll Part 1

May 6th, 2014

On June 8, 2014, as part of the downtown Toronto Challenge charity race, my husband James and my two young children will join me in the annual Walk, Talk ‘n Roll event in support of the Aphasia Institute.

We have participated in this walk for many years and my favourite walk “moments” come when I see every member of the Aphasia Institute taking part whether by wheelchair, by scooter or with walking aids. Some participants have not tackled a distance of 1K or 5K since before their stroke. There is a determination to finish and a team atmosphere that I cannot fully describe. You have to be there!

Julie and I support the Aphasia Institute because, as part of our work, we see the courage of people living with aphasia on a daily basis. Aphasia is an acquired disorder caused by damage to the brain through stroke, brain tumor or a brain injury. People with aphasia experience difficulty understanding, talking, reading and writing though thinking is intact. They experience difficulty communicating with those around them – family, friends, colleagues, and neighbours.

How do we maintain important relationships in our lives? How do we fulfill our life roles at home, at work and in the community? How do we show people how smart, how thoughtful or how witty we are?

How do we conduct almost every minute of our day – through communicating our wants, needs, feelings and thoughts.

Imagine what your life would be like with aphasia.

Participation in this event is a great highlight of my year. Raising donations is crucial to support a wide range of innovative programs and tools that help families, like those with whom we have the honor of working, to reduce conversation barriers and return to ‘being themselves’. This is the way we Walk, Talk and Roll on with life!

Our best,

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