Adults may experience difficulties with their voice due a variety of conditions such as vocal nodules or polyps, trauma to the larynx, increased muscle tension, disease and general misuse or strain. Education, individualized strategy training and other evidence-based methods are used to make functional changes and support healthy vocal habits.
Paradoxical Vocal Fold/Vocal Cord Dysfunction (PVFD/VCD) is a condition that involves episodes of feeling like you cannot breathe. Once other causes are ruled out by a respirologist and an ENT (otolaryngologist), PVFD/VCD is often suspected. While the quality of your voice may not be affected, the difficulty breathing is caused by the vocal cords fully or partially closing unnecessarily. Common triggers are increased muscle tension (sometimes due to physical exertion) or scent sensitivity. In collaboration with ENTs and respirologists, education, strategy training (individualized to apply to your specific trigger situations) and other evidence-based tools are used to correct this pattern.
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